“My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.”

— Desmond Tutu

Spaces & services for growing families in San Mateo County

My mission is to make these spaces and services more accessible to my community and more sustainable for birth workers. You cannot do this alone, and neither can I. I value collaboration over competition and am excited to work with everyone in your support circle, including but not limited to other doulas, perinatal professionals, friends, family members, and neighbors. We are all in this together.

The Spaces

Come together in one of our beautiful community spaces that Together Birth & Body has created.

  • Our office space on the edges of Downtown Redwood City.

  • Together at the Park - FREE family support group every Tuesday 3-5pm at Stafford Park in Redwood City.

  • Pre & Postnatal Flow at Peacebank Yoga Studio every Saturday 9:30-10:40am in Downtown Redwood City.

  • Community events for the whole family in San Mateo County. Check our Events page to see where we are taking up space next.

Together at the Park is a FREE parent support group for growing families. Join us every Tuesday 3-5pm at Stafford Park in Redwood City, CA.
Join Caitlin for pre & postnatal flow at Peacebank Yoga Studio in Redwood City every Saturday 9:30-10:40am.
Office space in downtown Redwood City for doula clients and members of the birth and bodywork community.
Visit our Events page for family-friendly community events in San Mateo County.

The Services

  • Birthwork

    Caitlin is a birth and postpartum doula with a focus on collaborative care. Visit our BIRTH page to learn more about how we can support you during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

  • Bodywork

    Caitlin is a Certified Massage Therapist and yoga instructor that specializes in pre & postnatal bodies. Visit our BODY page to join a yoga class and get connected with other massage therapists that specialize in perinatal care.

  • Community Building

    If you are a birth and/or bodyworker that wants to serve and center marginalized groups in our community, I want to be in community with you! Let’s collaborate and conspire on how to build a better world together.


Together Birth & Body celebrates all families and actively works toward a just, free, and loving world for all. I see you and stand with you. I work for YOU and denounce systems that contribute to oppression, violence, or hate based on race, religion, ethnicity, or gender identity. My mission as a business and a person are to:

  • increase access to supportive care

  • reduce harm and contribute to collective healing

  • uplift and collaborate with those in my community who are already doing amazing work in centering reproductive, birth, and postpartum justice.